NaPoWriMo 2022 Cento
Does it hurt?
In afterwinter, I await not the rains of spring but its splendor.
Atrophy has taken the bloom
Hold her close until it hurts
Realize the body is not yours.
I am found dead as dead can be.
Upon a recent visit to the house where once I resided
I was startled!
I saw sadness
I did not bring comfort
I was afraid of causing pain
exhausted final breaths change tones
Pain pierces my heart with love
I leave hurt by love
I have no interest in apathy
The pangs came in waves
Coaxes me into the realm of Idiocracy
The reason the blood loss
Slightly redder than sweet tea
A reason of resolution
The pink sky now dark denim, I click on my headlight
Life is too short
Focus on Clock
It’s been a minute
The masks have been lowered
Hard work and lots of luck
Each summer the echoes of the previous are brought to life.
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