
Showing posts from October, 2018


Firefall Red leaves  turning brown Flames of fire  consuming wood Eating the forest


Lamppost leaning left tempting me to not turn right My path flows right along the bay as the houses lean left from eons of winds off the water I think if I ever get another Labrador, I’ll name her Ilene as previous ones owned loved to lean against my legs at least that name wouldn’t be as disrespectful calling a yella lab Beach when you live in Texas, just doesn’t work. It comes out all wrong when you visit the gulf and your dog takes a run. Lean is just all wrong too. My dad used to say, “Either sit or stand.”  If your too tired to do either you should be in bed.”  He also told me I should stand for some sort of cause. I should stand up not only for my own rights but for the rights of others. Although both mom and dad offered to give me a reason to not be able to sit down with belt or wooden spoon in the kitchen. I learned as I worked in kitchens, “if you have time to lean you have time to clean.”  As I see another streetlamp leaning, this one...