
An Ekphrastic

  Life on a blanket defined in comfort                  or lack of defined in size                  pushing borders declared in words                  absorbed and expressed Photo of art installation by Indigo Rodriguez
  Time is the wave washing away beach memories

When out the corner of your eye

  a face that doesn’t belong there lift your head because you feel the stare. Is it clothes or skin that we we wear? Maybe we are just elsing in order to prepare. If it looks like me but I’m not where  I otta be, which would be rare ‘cause you know me I cannot dare be late or missing because I care. This elsing nymph might share an illusive vision of someone faire. But scare the else away with a long cast glare for elsers lie in their evil lair.  *elsing a term from the Book of Obscure Sorrows

I am offering you

I am offering you This plum, yes, the sticker is still on but I have rinsed it. I’ve learned when you pull the stickers off, you bruise the skin, sometimes plucking it straight from the fruit. But I’m still offering you this plum, no strings attached but please make sure the pit doesn’t go in the sink. It will ruin the disposal. I would’ve gone to the park, offered them to the homeless but I didn’t want to get the car out of the garage, the box is too heavy to carry. So, I offer it to you. I know we cannot eat three dozen plums in the box. But I don’t know what to do. They are so juicy and sweet maybe I could can them. I can’t freeze them, the freezer is full. I hate side-by-side refrigerators. There’s just not enough room. What am I to do with all of this food? “You must take the whole box.”They say. But what if I don’t want the whole box? I’m only a one person house. Will I lose weight if I eat 10 pounds of nectarines, 15 pounds of grapes, and 20 pounds of plums? Of course, because I...

Pre election Song

  Sung to the tune of “These Are a few of my favorite things” Trumpsters and MAGA on GOP posters NRA lining the Mexican borders Right winged Christians telling me how to live These are the things that I cannot forgive Roe versus Wade being overturned by the judges Placed on the bench for life term is fudges America’s justiceaf is tough to approve So pick up the needle and find a new groove When the dog bites, when the bee stings When I'm feeling mad I simply remember I cannot forgive And then I can just feel  bad news in the nation as bleak as the forecasts New weather patterns leave us all aghast The next ice age will leave us all in a chill the world is fighting back as planets will War in the Middle East is our business plan  black gold pumped there makes us give a damn We’re not the gods for the planet called earth  When can we stop inflating our worth? When the dog bites, when the bee stings When I'm feeling mad I simply remember I cannot forgive And then I can ...

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Haiku about my news

  Cross-country Boy release Post Halloween tricks and treat Reviews should be sweet Sirtaki  Music  Greek festival is next door Dance for the record  Teaching means failure For those who don’t complete assignments are easy